

Train to Luxor




These are buses that take people from the small local station to more remote villages


Taxi cabs. When in-country, you take what you get



I've seen more garlic in Egypt than in my whole lifetime. It has got to be a major ingredient of most Egyptian meals.


I saw quite a number of churches on this trip. About 6% of the Egyptian population of 80 million is Coptic Christian


A smart way to keep a house a little cooler in the afternoon, courtained balconies


Personal expression. Being different counts


It's getting late, and not far before reaching Luxor, we are crossing the Nile River.


Wrapping things up. One last look out the window. A last shot, before getting ready and preparing for Luxor. That's part of the adventure, arriving in a place you only have read about, for the first time.

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